Project Manager (PM) - Pharma Med for medical translation services

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Company: Pharma Med for medical translation services
Job title: Project Manager (PM)
Job Location: Egypt

Job Description:
Supervises and manages the translation service: To achieve these responsibilities, he or she should:
• handle all project related paper work, from initiation to conclusion of projects, including filing and retrieval of project-specific documents.
• identifies recruits, maintains and supervises competent and experienced external translators who perform the translation of a wide range of texts.
• manages deadlines to deliver translations on time.
• Revises translations performed externally in view to ensure quality standard set by the company are fulfilled. Translates urgent and/or confidential texts,
• tests, coaches and supports external translators to certify them and issue an opinion as to their level of qualification.
• liaises with client to follow up, troubleshoot, and answer client inquiries regarding projects, and act as the one point of contact with clients.
• Contributes to the development of the computer-assisted translation tools (e.g. TRADOS) and data base.
• Keeps abreast of translation-related technological developments including contacts with academic world.
• Maintains contacts with counterparts in other international organizations.
• Follows as closely as possible developments in the relevant policy, programs and procedures of the company, to adapt translated text to the changing terminology.
• organizes the flow of the translation process between various project contributors (Translators, revisers, proofreaders, reviewers, specialty experts…etc).
• providing quotations for translation services offered
How to Apply: Please send your CV with personal photo to:
Phone: 01113770177

For more Information about our company, Please visit our website


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